Take Action Against Bullying
Go-To MeetingOctober is Bullying Awareness Month! Bullying has become such a widespread problem it is now being recognized as a major mental health concern for children and youth, having been found […]
Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD
Go-To MeetingSeasonal Affective Disorder can impact adults, teens, and children. It is estimated about 5% of the people experience SAD in the US and 4 out of 5 are women. One […]
How Difficult Can This Be? The F.A.T. City Workshop”
Go-To MeetingThis unique and interactive program allows participants to experience the same Frustration, Anxiety and Tension that children with learning disabilities face in their daily lives. See how teachers, social workers, […]
How to Talk to Your Child about Substances
Go-To MeetingTara’s work is to prevent youth substance use and she supports youth-led and youth-serving programming that builds young people's resilience and strengthens youth leadership on issues of public health, restorative […]
Managing Caregiver Stress: Strategies for Recognizing & Reducing Stress
Go-To MeetingWe all have stress in our lives. The stress is even greater for parents or caregivers raising a child or youth with emotional and behavioral health needs. Please join us […]
Managing Stress During the Holidays
RSU Adult & Community Education , Bucksport High School 102 Broadway #1 and GOTOThe holiday season is here! While it is meant to bring feelings of love and cheer, it’s also the harbinger of stress for many of us. Join us and learn […]
November Support Group
Go-To MeetingThe G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents providing services for parents […]
Parenting with Dignity-Picking up This Ball Is a Victory for All
Go-To MeetingG.E.A.R. Parent Network invites you to pick up the ball and run with it through a multi-part parenting education course developed by Mac Bledsoe, father of a celebrated New England […]
Ho-Ho-Ho Holiday Fun! Creating Ornaments!
Go-To MeetingJoin us for creating easy ornament designs for the holidays by recycling your old ornaments! Use any items or materials you wish to use that may be used such as: […]
December Support Group
Go-To MeetingThe G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents providing services for parents […]