“G.E.A.R. Annual Family Picnic”

Tot Lot, Fish Hatchery Rd. (go to the end), Auburn

A light picnic buffet lunch will be provided and picnic tables are available.  Feel free to bring your lawn chairs or blankets for additional seating; and if you have special […]


August Evening Support Group

Go-To Meeting

The G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents providing services for parents […]


September Wednesday Support Group

Go-To Meeting

occurs weekly, every Wednesday The G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents […]


September Evening Support Group

Go-To Meeting

The G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents providing services for parents […]


Nurturing Parenting for Families in Recovery

Go-To Meeting

If you are a parent, caregiver or working on your recovery and want to learn more about the effects of substance use on your family, parenting style, and your relationship […]


Parent Support Group

Go-To Meeting

You are NOT Alone! If you are a parent wanting support, or are a parent/caregiver of a child with behavioral, emotional, or developmental health needs, please consider joining us to […]


Empowering Young Adults with ID/DD

Go-To Meeting

Young adults with intellectual and developmental disability labels are more capable, more fulfilled, and safer when parents support their empowerment. In this workshop, parents will explore how being an ally […]
