G.E.A.R. Parent Network
The G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents who have kids ages 0-21 providing services for parents of children with emotional and behavioral health concerns.
We are parent-to-parent support. Here is how we can help you.
No parent should suffer alone and in silence when a child is struggling with his or her mental health.
Parenting can be challenging under the best of circumstances. But when a child, teenager, or young adult struggles with emotional, mental or behavioral health problems, parenting can be overwhelming and isolating.
We provide parents and caregivers who are concerned about their children’s mental health with an opportunity to find and support each other in a confidential and safe space.
We provide NO COST support to parents and families who have kids ages 0-21. Our supports include:
- 1:1 parent-peer support to parents/caregivers
- Emotional support and family-centered training
- Educational workshops and conferences
- Positive parenting skills education and peer mentoring
- Social and networking events to reduce isolation, enhance natural supports, and promote resiliency factors
- Increased awareness of children’s behavioral health needs
- Advocacy in the Maine’s system of care for comprehensive, coordinated, community-based, trauma-informed and family/youth-driven services.
Download our guide for how we help.
Are you a parent of a child/youth who has behavioral health concerns and you are looking for employment as a parent/family peer specialist?
Maine’s Certification training for Parent/Family Peer Specialists who work in Maine Behavioral Health Homes.
The Institute was developed and formatted by families for families with consultation and shared materials from the National Federation of Families, their state organizations and chapters. We believe that meaningful and effective parent/family participation as partners in the support of our children require specific skills that harness and enhance the valuable contribution of the parent/family perspective.
These skills are embodied in the following:
- Effective parent/family involvement requires a working knowledge of children’s mental health, the needs and experiences of parents and family members, and the issues affecting the system of
- The presentation of the individuals and organizations expressing the parent/family voice must enhance the credibility, value, and opportunities for meaningful inclusion.
- To provide effective parent‐to‐parent support in a variety of settings.
- To develop and sustain an effective local and statewide network of parents and champions of children’s behavioral health needs.
- To effectively participate in micro and macro level of system change.
- To provide consistency across the state with regard to parent-peer support providers hiring practices, qualifications, necessary skill sets, job duties, and supervision.
We are now accepting applications for our January 2025 training.
Upcoming Dates: January 27, 29 and 31, 2025
Location: Zoom
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a 30-minute lunch break
Cost: $450
Questions: Contact G.E.A.R. Parent Network Director Cindy Seekins at 207-441-7216 or cseekins@kbhmaine.org
We have been through so much in the last year and had been struggling. Our family behavioral needs were becoming urgent. It’s been a long rough road, but we have really come a long way. I enjoyed having a phone call once a week to find out how we were doing. It was refreshing and reminded me that someone cared and wanted the best for us. I appreciate your ability to listen AND share, to be compassionate without judgment. Your warmth and genuine care is immeasurable. You are truly a gift to the world and our path is much brighter having had the pleasure of getting to know each other.
Administrative Offices
67 Eustis Parkway
Waterville, ME 04901
Kennebec Behavioral Health
visit kbhmaine.org