Impulsivity & Disruptive Behaviors in Children & Youth
Capehart Boys and Girls Clubhouse, 28 Downeast Circle, BangorAll children and youth have outbursts from time to time, however some do have much difficulty in their ability to regulate their emotions and behaviors even when adverse consequences may […]
Summer Safety: Keeping it Cool! Preventing Heat Related Illness and Sun Safety for Children
RSU Adult & Community Education , Bucksport High School 102 Broadway #1 and GOTOSunburn, heat cramps, heat stroke and skin cancer often are not thought of when you are enjoying the outdoors. Come learn about the importance of keeping your children and yourself […]
June Support Group
Go-To Meetingheld virtually every Wednesday from 1-2:30 p.m. The G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by […]
Non-Toxic Housekeeping Class
Capehart Boys and Girls Clubhouse, 28 Downeast Circle, BangorFrom air fresheners to window and floor cleaners and beyond, many everyday cleaning supplies can be hazardous to the health of you and your family. Save money and reduce your […]
Helping Your Child Manage Their Meltdowns
Go-To MeetingAre you feeling like you are always walking on eggshells when dealing with your young child’s meltdowns? (Professionals sometimes call these behaviors “dysregulation”) Are you at a loss about how […]
Nurturing Parenting for Families in Recovery
ZoomREGISTER NOW If you are a parent, caregiver, or working on your recovery and want to learn more about the effects of substance use on your family, parenting style, and […]
Parent Support Group
ZoomREGISTER NOW For parents or caregivers of children/youth with emotional or behavioral health concerns, it is held virtually the first and third Wednesday of each month (for July & August […]
Take Action Against Bullying
Boys and Girls Club of Bangor 28 Downeast Circle, Bangor, ME, United StatesBullying has become such a widespread problem it is now being recognized as a major mental health concern for children and youth, having been found to leave long-term emotional scars […]
Surviving Parenting: Self-Care is NEVER Selfish
Boys and Girls Club of Bangor 28 Downeast Circle, Bangor, ME, United StatesSelf-care often becomes an afterthought for parents and caregivers. The ability to treat and understand oneself with respect and kindness can be especially elusive when raising a family. In this […]
ADHD 101 – What We Want to Know but Forgot to Ask!
ZoomREGISTER NOW This workshop will offer a framework to help us understand Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, its causes, how to diagnose it, who can diagnose it, its symptoms, what helps and […]