November Support Group
Go-To MeetingThe G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents providing services for parents […]
Parenting with Dignity-Picking up This Ball Is a Victory for All
Go-To MeetingG.E.A.R. Parent Network invites you to pick up the ball and run with it through a multi-part parenting education course developed by Mac Bledsoe, father of a celebrated New England […]
Ho-Ho-Ho Holiday Fun! Creating Ornaments!
Go-To MeetingJoin us for creating easy ornament designs for the holidays by recycling your old ornaments! Use any items or materials you wish to use that may be used such as: […]
December Support Group
Go-To MeetingThe G.E.A.R. Parent Network, a program of Crisis & Counseling Centers, is the place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results. G.E.A.R. is run by parents for parents providing services for parents […]
Ho-Ho-Ho Holiday Fun! Decorative Handprint Christmas Trees!
Ginny's Natural Corner, 217 North Ave in Skowhegan 217 North AveBring your kids and join us and our local youth group in creating easy handprint Christmas tree designs for the holidays! All supplies necessary will be provided. Let’s have fun […]
Ho-Ho-Ho Holiday Fun! Creating a Cookie Jar Mix Gift
Coastal Recovery Community Center, 11 White Street, Rockland or GOTOWhip up a homemade gift from the kitchen to show family and friends you truly care! Join us for this evening of fun and create a cookie jar mix to […]
Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD
Go-To MeetingSeasonal Affective Disorder can impact adults, teens, and children. It is estimated about 5% of the people experience SAD in the US and 4 out of 5 are women. One […]
What’s Your Parenting Style? Identifying Your Style and How it Affects Your Interaction with Your Children.
Go-To MeetingThis workshop is intended to help you learn and identify your current parenting style and recognize the large impact that it has on your child’s development. We will review each […]
“Ho-Ho-Ho! Holiday Family Scavenger Hunt!!”
Go-To MeetingWe will be joining you virtually with our family in having fun celebrating the season with an old fashioned scavenger hunt. Each family will be provided a list of items […]
Nurturing Parenting for Families in Recovery
Go-To MeetingHeld virtually every Tuesday afternoon from 3:30–5 p.m If you are a parent, caregiver or working on your recovery and want to learn more about the effects of substance use […]