“Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Oh, My!”
RSU Adult & Community Education , Bucksport High School 102 Broadway #1 and GOTOAre you raising a second set of children or youth at a time you thought you would be planning your retirement? This discussion will focus on specific issues that may be challenging for grandparents today and uncover ideas and solutions for greater success and less stress. About the G.E.A.R. Parent Network The G.E.A.R. Parent Network, […]
“ACEs, Being a Trauma-Informed Parent: Linking Childhood Trauma to Long-Term Health & Social Consequence”
Go-To MeetingTraumatic childhood experiences such as abuse, neglect, domestic violence, or substance abuse in the home can have long-term physical, psychological, behavioral and economic consequences. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study demonstrates the connection between childhood trauma and a wide array of physical & mental health problems. Despite the trauma in their lives, children can survive […]
“Ho-Ho-Ho Creating Holiday Ornaments with your Kids!!”
Go-To MeetingJoin us for this family holiday activity and we will share how to create ornaments with Popsicle sticks, small pom-poms or gems, glue, glitter or glitter glue. Let’s have fun together, be creative and leave you with a little memory of fun to have with your kids this holiday season! About the G.E.A.R. Parent Network […]
“Ho-Ho-Ho Holiday Family Fun Activity! Painting Winter Trees and Sip Hot Cocoa!”
Go-To MeetingPrepare your own cocoa and join us during this easy and fun family holiday craft activity! Together we will paint Winter Trees! Supplies needed: 1. A canvas, paper or construction paper that’s your choice of background color 2. Brown paint or marker/colored pencil/crayon 3. White acrylic paint/white paint 4. QTips/swabs or you can use your […]
“Do You Speak Teen? ‘mnE Ps dnt bleev der is a gNR8N d/c b/t em n thr teen’”
RSU Adult & Community Education , Bucksport High School 102 Broadway #1 and GOTOCommunicating with teens today is more challenging than ever but not impossible! This workshop will explore modern technology and give you some new ideas to peek into your teen’s world. The framework of the 40 Developmental Assets® will also be shared. Minneapolis-based Search Institute® has identified 40 building blocks of healthy development – known as […]
“What are Family Peer Specialists and How do they Support Maine Families? “
RSU Adult & Community Education , Bucksport High School 102 Broadway #1 and GOTOThe Family Peer Specialist (FPS) role has been available in Maine to support families who have children/youth with special medical, emotional and behavioral health needs for over 25 years! Over the past 10 years this role has quickly evolved to being one of not only providing emotional support and resource sharing to also reducing feelings […]
“Parenting with Dignity-Picking up This Ball Is a Victory for All”
Go-To MeetingG.E.A.R. Parent Network invites you to pick up the ball and run with it through a multi-part parenting education course developed by Mac Bledsoe, father of a celebrated New England Patriots’ quarterback Drew Bledsoe. Parenting with Dignity helps parents learn effective techniques for raising responsible, independent children. Topics include: Session 1: A Model of Human […]
“Impulsivity & Disruptive Behaviors in Children & Youth”
Go-To MeetingAll children have outbursts from time to time; however, some children have chronic problems in their ability to regulate emotions and behaviors even when adverse consequences may occur. This lack of self-control can cause significant distress or impairment in a child’s or youth’s life. A number of different diagnoses are unified by impulsive and disruptive […]
“Opioid Overdose Response and Naloxone Training”
Go-To MeetingWhat is harm reduction? Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs. The number of total overdoses in Maine exceeded […]
“Recognizing the Signs of Suicide Risk & Navigating the System of Care”
Go-To MeetingSuicide is a significant concern in Maine and nationwide, and we can do something about it. Join us in learning how to recognize early signs of potential elevated suicide risk, suicide statistics in Maine/Nationally; what risk assessments are and common terms you may hear providers use, in addition to navigating the system of care to […]