Intervention Strategies For Attention Deficit Behaviors
- Reduce stimuli whenever possible.
- Pay attention to and respond warmly to the child’s positive behaviors often. (such as playing quietly or being responsible)
- Communicate approval by facial expression, tone of voice and touch.
- Show excitement around accomplishments.
- Ignore negative behavior whenever possible and appropriate.
- Refrain from giving unnecessary commands.
- Respond calmly and effectively to negative behavior. Please do not yell at children!
- Use timeout when necessary. (30 seconds to 1 minute per year of age) and only if this method does not escalate the situation!
- When necessary, become trained to do therapeutic holds. You should be trained or certified so you don’t accidentally harm your child or yourself.
- Avoid making unrealistic expectations of the child. Example: expecting cooperation during a long shopping trip or expecting good behavior all of the time!
- Use the following communication techniques: The parent telling about his/her experiences as a child, and asking follow up questions, listening and paraphrasing, tracking and describing….verbalizing the child’s behavior during play with the child. Have a “nightly review” celebrate with the child, the positive behaviors noted during the day
- Arrange day time activities to include: large motor activities like outdoor play.fine motor activities like playing with blocks playing alone playing with other children being alone with a parent being with the family.
- Avoid making negative remarks about the child or generalizations to negative attributions.